This moment in history is absolutely crazy. Crazy for the antics of greed and disregard for sacred. Crazy in the courage people are showing to stand up for what is good and right for the whole of America.
Courage is everywhere. The media doesn't report on it. We saw it earlier this month with the 2017 elections where the misfits of politics ran for office and won elections. I say misfits as they weren't what we normally see - white, men, rich - instead they were all of us, committed, fierce and determined to change the narrative, change the landscape and give voice to the whole of us.
Courage continues to hold men accountable who have abused power and women. Men in media who treated Hillary as flawed and unworthy, who are now losing their jobs due to alleged sexual assault. Misogyny is a deep seeded disease.
Courage is #MeToo, when in the past nobody listened or believed what you're saying. It's hard to be courageous when you're discounted.
Courage is finally listening.
Earlier this week, Obama White House Chief Photographer Pete Souza presented his work documenting the Obama White House. Walking through those eight years, brought the forgotten challenges of the Obama years to the forefront - economic collapse, housing crisis, bailing out the auto industry, the BP Oil Spill, Charlottesville, Sandy Hook, GOP obstruction, and so many more - and yet, I felt safe with Obama. I trusted his ability to lead us even if I didn't always agree with the decisions. He took his work seriously. He led with dignity and respect. He allowed me to live easily. I didn't need to be on the front lines with Obama, as he was doing it for me.
When he left office, he said it was up to us. We've done great work so far. And I'm exhausted. I can't bear the news. I want to check out. Yet, we must stay focused and be courageous.
The guy in the Oval Office is a sexual predator. I said it before and I continue to believe it - we can and should take him down for these deeds. Never forget that over a dozen women have made claims against him, that a woman alleged she was raped by him when she was 13-years old and he said these works
- “I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married.”
- “I did try and fuck her.”
- “Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”
- “Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”
Time for him to tumble.
This GOP needs to go too. And it's up to us to ensure that happens.
You know the drill. Grab a cup of coffee and make some calls. And, please encourage your friends to do the same. No tax bill. No Trump. Both are bad for America.
Today's Easy Activism.
1. Call your Senators and say NO to the GopTax Bill. While you have them on the phone, tell them to hold Trump accountable for sexual assaults. It's time to investigate these allegations.
2. Call Jeff Flake (AZ), Bob Corker (TN), Susan Collins (ME), John McCain(AZ), Lisa Murkowski (AL) even if they aren't your Senators, tell them to vote no on the tax bill. Leave messages.
3. And, as you may know, I've built a game called Civics in Chaos - an infuriately fun game of civic survival where the checks and balances of our government is playing against the tweets of insanity. We have nine days left on Kickstarter and want to blow this game out of the water. Please consider purchasing one (or more). A game of civics will Make America Smart Again. Lord knows we need it.
Keep resisting. The time is now!
Deepest gratitude and love to you -
:: Genessa