Seattle is having ridiculously long winter. Extra cold, rainy, hail, grey with bursts of glorious sun, so many rainbows. My garden is half planted. The lilacs are just beginning to bloom. My hoody sweatshirts and furry slippers are a daily staple. It's hard to remember what month it is. That's what happens when winter is long, time becomes hard to track.
A friend once explained Seattle winters as a souls retreat. An emotional and physical hibernation, a restoration for revitalization. Living in the great northwest, it's important to believe this. We are restoring so when the sun comes, we are in full force ready for our 18 hour days.
The rainbow reminder is the long winter salve. The fantastical rainbows have been in full force, reminding us that the sun still shines, that beauty is everywhere, that optimism is the light to guide us through.
I started sending Easy Activism mails on November 18th. For a long while, I sent them daily. Earlier this month, I started skipping days and sending three a week. Lately it's down to one. I think it had something to do with long winter for America and my need for a souls retreat.
Clearly we all do. We need to play and but politics aside. We need a break from the madness of our inept and obfuscating American government. We need to experience the rainbow connection.
So, for the long winter of the great glorious northwest, where the rainbows keep appearing in the darkness, we keep seeing the beauty in our lives, we keep playing with each other, we know that the spring / summer / sun / reprieve is out there somewhere. We stay thankful for all of it and we keep fighting the cruelty of this administration and GOP congress.
a) ABOUT HEALTHCARE. Here we go again. They are gutting it and it's much worse than before. No pre-existing condition coverage. Easy quick call. Share with your red state friends as they really have the power to stop this dead in it's tracks. Just like before. This relentless. Hail down on them with your obstruction.
b) Tell them to oppose the GUTTING OF THE EPA.
d) OPPOSE THE ONE PAGE DOUBLE SPACED TAX PLAN. These are some lazy, greedy, ill advised and ill informed people.
And for your moment of reprieve, The Uplifts -
The Simpsons have really nailed Trump's 100 days. Watch the preview here.
My bestest college girl friend sent me a great piece from Slate - Who Has Kept Trump from Destroying America So Far. It's well worth the read although they forgot to mention our girl friend Rachel Maddow.
Obama is back on the scene!!
Keep on keepin' on. As Kermit the frog says, someday we'll find the rainbow connection, the lovers, the dreamers and me.
Gratitude and love to you -
:: genessa