It’s impossible to not be reactive when everything we value is under attack.
The outrage, shock, disgrace, hurt and embarrassment are overwhelming.
The dismay at witnessing #DonTheCon, the GOP, Sean Hannity and CNN hired heavies lie, obfuscate and torment is a direct assault to our integrity and values.
Just a bit of a recap -
England and Israel are limiting their intelligence sharing as Don the Con freely shares classified information with the Russians, President and murderer Duterte of the Philippines and perhaps the press. His boastful ignorance puts us all in danger.
He wants to destroy NATO and all our alliances.
Ben Carson thinks poverty is a state of mind and Betsy DeVos would do nothing to protect students from discrimination.
Of course, there’s last nights attack of a reporter by the Montanan GOP candidate. How about making a few calls for Rob Quist today and flipping a seat in the House? He’s the candidate that wants to save healthcare and doesn’t assault reporters. It’s a long shot as many in Montana have already voted and well, it does feel good to help in every way we can.
It’s hard to not want to put my head in the sand like an ostrich until it’s all over with as their cruelty is not only sickening, it’s exhausting.
Have I utterly depressed you? I didn’t mention Manchester or homelessness or the climate yet.
I had a Buddhist meditation teacher who frequently said “facts are friendly”. Meaning knowing the truth is empowerment and it gives a place to work from. The above is our truth.
It’s also true that students walked out of their graduation when Mike Pence began speaking.
And Mitch Landrieu made a speech about the confederacy that makes you proud to be an American and a human.
Two republican districts flipped State seats blue and added two more women to our political spectrum.
Provincetown, MA has started a program for LGBTQ youth in danger to come their and live / work / play for the summer.
And there are the heroes in Congress like Ted Lieu and Maxine Waters who unabashedly speak truth and call for justice
This is progress. This is what happens when we work together. Good things happen when people of conscious, moral integrity and values show up.
We are stronger together when we are awake to the fact that we have shared humanitarian and conservationist values. There is no real binary when our shared values are human life, education, clean air and water, equality, opportunity for all, healthcare for all.
The only way through is by doing the hard work. And it is hard. And it’s worth every moment of pain to pick up the phone and dial for Democracy.
CALLS – We're dialing for democracy!
1. Senators to oppose the AWFUL healthcare bill. Demand universal coverage for all.
2. Montanans for Rob Quist. This would be an awfully sweet victory.
3. Representatives and Senators about the vulgar tax bill.
Of course you can always mention Russia and Don The Con’s taxes while you’re on the phone. The investigation is happening and continuing to be a squeaky wheel helps move the process forward.
:: genessa