I often visualize the day we bring trump, his klan, and the cruel and heartless GOP down. The massive spontaneous partying in the streets, horns honking, bands playing and champagne popping. Everybody is there, pussy hats on, dancing, singing, cheering and making out with strangers out of sheer ecstasy. And nine months later a whole new generation of babies are born named Justice, Victory, Joy and Pride.
Then I wonder what we’d do if he died or was murdered in office. Would we celebrate the way people did when Osama Bin Laden was killed? Would we take to the streets chanting USA! USA! USA! While I was beyond relieved Bin Laden was gone, it bothered me the way his death was celebrated. It confused me and left me empty.
It was later explained to me that many of those celebrating were quite young during 9/11 and for them, Bin Laden’s death was the death of a reoccurring nightmare. It freed them from fear and their exhalation was the release of childhood haunts.
If trump died or were murdered, I believe I would be in the streets chanting USA! USA! USA! as this government is one long nightmare of cruelty, torture, abuse, neglect, greed, corruption, obscenity, disregard, violence...oh how the list goes on.
When my outrage is just plain rage, I fantasize that the men in this regime never get laid again. Seriously, they are forever denied sexual pleasure. Or even better, the women in their lives (or men in Mike Pence’s case and maybe Paul Ryan’s – they could be lovers) are Lorena Bobbitt inspired and well, we know how that story went. Castration is not a pre-existing condition so they’d be covered.
And yet, yesterday when reading tweets from Trump voters devastated by the neglect of this healthcare bill, I felt compassion. I felt like there was an open window to lean into and say that we care about this and we care about you. I replied to several tweets letting a few misguided supporters know that while trump and the GOP care little about them, we, the liberal snowflakes, care a lot. We, the liberal snowflakes are blowing up a mighty storm with an avalanche of action to save our democracy, to save our humanity and to ensure all Americans have the right to healthcare.
Single payer in 2020 seems more possible today than it did yesterday.
And so while the fantasies are fuel to my fire, and while I do believe we will have the victory dance party in the streets, there is still so much to be done before the avalanche takes them down.
If you need to a bit more of a nudge to take action on a Friday afternoon, just look at who voted yesterday to destroy the lives of millions of people.
Remember, that perhaps half of them didn't read the bill. This, for them, is about a win and not at all about us, the American people. They do not serve us and it's time that we let them know that this is their last term. A blizzard is coming.
Remember this evil healthcare bill still has to pass in Senate. Make those calls today!
a) We need to win 24 seats in the House to have the majority. Daily Kos has created a handy donation tool that will spread money across districts where republicans voted for the healthcare bill. Easy tool. Easy donate. While I hate that politics are about money, they are until we get a progressive president in office to nominate Supreme Court Justices to overthrow Citizens United (stay healthy RGB). Give your coffee money, if you can, and come over for coffee. We have homemade almond milk.
b) And while we're donating, let's help LGBT community in Chechnya who are being sent to death camps. I really can't process this and it's true. This organization in Canada fights for the lives of persecuted LGBT people. Give a little to save a life, if you can.
Thankfully School House Rock still educates Americans on how the passage of bills works. Seems this Congress needs a refresher. Their victory dance in the Rose Garden was like celebrating the Falcons win in the 3rd quarter and thinking the Patriots wouldn't make a 4th quarter comeback. Send I'm Just a Bill on Capital Hill to donny and every Republican who prematurely ejaculated, I mean celebrated, denying healthcare to 24+ million.
a) Let the GOP know how this healthcare bill effects your life. Mailmetothegop.com has a quick and easy form that will send your healthcare story directly to Congress.
b) And for kicks and giggles, you can fill out this survey (do it!) and let the GOP how you think Trump is doing. Takes all of 2 minutes. Do share this amongst your friends. This one made me happy, that happiness that comes from the rage side of my brain.
This great tool will fax your representatives to voice your resistance to the utter crap being proposed. Text RESIST to 50409.
Enjoy your weekend. Keep believing that we will prevail. That while we are in the darkness, the light will break through. The grief is real. The dangers are real. And our united efforts are more important than ever.
In love and gratitude -
:: genessa