The world has gone mad. As in crazy. And angry. And crazy angry. There is no need repeat the list of madnesses as it only increases our blood pressure. The boil over zone is not healthy for any of us.
When the things we treasure are under constant siege – truth, healthcare, national monuments, justice, keeping Spicy off TV – it becomes brain and heart numbing.
Numb is what they depend on. Numb gets laws passed that incarcerate more people of color for nothing, ruin our environment (which we can’t back paddle on), cause multi-millions of Americans to lose healthcare. It’s wrong. It’s backwards. It’s a horror show.
Today please call your representatives about healthcare and anything else that is ailing you TODAY. We need to keep dialing for democracy. The critical phone numbers (especially for blue staters) are in the image above.
It’s up to us. We are the warriors keeping madness at bay.
Keep resisting. Keep loving. Keep on keepin' on.
:: Genessa
p.s. I've missed you.