I've come to really need Fridays. After a week of news about their despicable behavior, the inhumanity of their aspirations and their laws and the thump each new finding hits within my heart, Fridays have become a respite.
News doesn't stop on Friday and thankfully the investigative journalists keep digging as there is much to excavate, and congressional offices are closed so I take a break. I hope you do too.
So much is happening so fast these days. I've said this before and I remain struck by the molasses of time from the election until about two weeks ago. Everything was moving so slowly and now we're in warp speed. I imagine it will only get faster as more and more truth is exposed.
The reality is that Russians who know the truth and who are critical to our case are being murdered. Miraculously one survived when he "fell" out of a fourth floor of the building he was in. This is insanely sick and tragic. Remind your representatives that this is who our President is in bed with. Murderers.
I imagine things will get stranger before they become transparently clear.
And our role remains the same -
OUR CALLS MATTER and I know I say it over and over and over and over and over again and IT'S TRUE.
These elected officials work for us and they need constant performance reviews. Almost every republican is FAILING. And in 2018 we need to FIRE THEM. EVERY GOP CONGRESSIONAL LEADER and EVERY SENATOR THAT WE CAN.
We are fighting for all of humanity and our glorious, sacred mother earth.
Friday's are about gratitude so I will sign off with this -
I am grateful for you.
For each member of this list.
For my community.
For my crazy and soulfully loving puppies (who are adult dogs), for sunshine and spring and edible gardens and brilliantly tenacious and smart women like Maddow and Hillary and all the resistance warriors.
I am especially grateful for my wife who is wrapping up a QiGong teacher training in Austin so she can teach others how to heal from the inside. As her teacher said, being proactive with your health and wellness, is patriotic. And patriotic is who we are, so stay healthy friends, stay in love, in faith, in hope and in activism.
I'm taking the week off as I'm heading to Austin to learn how to be more patriotic and hang with my love.
IF YOU MAKE CALLS TODAY, please call your congressional leaders and SAY no to TrumpCare / RyanCare / the careless health doesn't care bill.
And of course Russia, taxes, Gorsuch, women's rights, no pipeline (they really hate everything). NO TO ALL IT AND ALL OF THEM.
In gratitude and love -
:: genessa