The regime will continue signing horrible, hurtful executive orders. The GOP will continue passing bad bills. Hopefully war is not in our future.
And, WE will continue resisting and advancing the rights of all people, animals and the environment.
We must, on a daily basis, continue to demand trump’s tax returns, an independent investigation into Russia’s interference in our elections, calling out the hypocrisy and supporting the positive.
Let's remember to thank our legislatures who are fighting hard for progress and let them know we are with them as they are with us.
We must continue supporting progressives who advance social justice, environmental health and economic welfare.
We need to know what seats are opening in our cities, towns and states and either run for office and / or know who’s running for office and support them. We must actively and passionately get out the vote with every ounce of energy we have. That's how elections are won. It's how history is made.
We need to make sure we are taking care of each other and ourselves. I am tired. I need to take breaks from the news. My heartbreak can bring me down. I didn’t march this weekend as I was too exhausted.
And I am energized to create change, really paradigm shifting change, change where we have the clarity to be and love as we are and for who we are.
Restoration matters. Giving yourself permission to take a break is hard. Dancing like crazy helps. Art is delicious. Working out and sleeping really matter. Keeping the faith will keep us sane. There are more good, loving, positive people in the world than not.
We need to stay awake - open, engaged, informed and activated.
We need to keep caring, everyday.
My efforts are moving onto a new energy, which is an old energy and gives me a ton of energy. My focus will be on women, all women, advancing the rights, well-being, welfare, societal framework and economic equality for women.
I will be blogging and vlogging and hopefully podcasting. From and soon from
Photo credit - unknown
I will be working with corporations and companies to advance equality for women in the workplace. We, my wife and I, will hosting salons and workshops to help women make our aspirations our reality in connective community.
I will continue posting daily actions, the current imperatives, as they relate to our rights and our biggest daily action is staying awake, engaged, connected and staying in love.
(2 minutes)
1. Call your Representative about HR 634, the Election Assistance Termination Act. The EAC was created in the aftermath of the 2000 Presidential election as an independent agency that helps ensure that our elections are fair and transparent. Call your Representative at (844) 241-1141 and demand that they publicly oppose and vote NO on HR 634.
2. Jon Ossoff's election is tomorrow. He needs to get 50% of the vote to win otherwise there will be a runoff in June. He's close, polling about 43%. If you have a moment, please make some calls for Jon. If you know votes in Atlanta, ask them to knock on some doors today and tomorrow. This win would be most delicious and we do love delicious. Let's elect Jon!
In gratitude and love to you -
:: genessa