Imagine the seemingly impossible is possible.
Imagine thoughts and prayers, words that hold no genuine meaning, are morphed into action and laws.
Imagine we’re capable of overcoming the narrative that keeps people more attached to guns and the NRA than safety and protection.
Imagine joining clubs of non-violence that are so much bigger, so much bolder and are able to combat the bizarre attachment to the second amendment.
We are boiling over, in outrage and heartbreak. There is no excuse for inaction. The only recourse is in our voice and our vote.
Our voice to unify.
Our voice to vocalize dissent.
Our voice to hound politicians who take money from an organization who profits on violence and destruction.
And our VOTE to elect leaders who always put people over profits.
These politicians take contributions from the NRA, many of whom are up for reelection. These are the people who continually blocked the opportunity to genuinely protect, our country from senseless and devastating acts of violence.
If you do anything today, consider giving to an organization that is fighting the NRA, fighting the Gun lobby and fighting to make our country safer. It’s the only sensible thing to do.
If you do anything tomorrow, determine how you will participate in getting out the vote for our elections on Nov 6, 2018. We need to get to work. The entire House and these Senators are up for reelection.
Winning back Congress means we can change what is no longer working in our society.
I imagine this is possible.
I imagine we are just the people to do this.
I imagine our time is right now.
In gratitude, in grief and in love -
:: Genessa