Since last Friday I've been thinking a lot about courage - about heroes and villains, the characters and scenes that are playing out in front of us as if we were in a Marvel comic book series.
The hero travels into the belly of the beast and rises up into the light when their integrity and a moral imperative meet. The hero is challenged and what makes them heroic is the alignment in doing what's good and right for the whole of us, not just for some of us. The hero acts from the fact that we are all in this together.
Villains lack this connection. Villains lack integrity and morality. Villains meet the moral imperative by asking what's in it for them. How can they be best served. How will they benefit.
The binary throughout the election and now in our Divided States of America is the the holistic vs individualistic. Is it good for all of us or is it good for me?
For those who are barely getting by, I can imagine that thinking outside of their immediate needs is challenging. I don't know this for certain, as I have never been faced with choosing between food or going to the doctor or putting gas in the car. I know people who have. I know people who have lost everything and yet, did not lose their way.
In the past week, actually, in the past 4+ months, we have been living out a villainous drama where it's unclear whether or not we will survive. Initially we were hoping for Obama to rip open his pressed Brooks Brothers shirt to reveal his inner super hero and instead he went kiteboarding, as he should, because he earned it.
Thing is that we are the heroes and the only way we'll be saved is if we doing the saving. We are Wonder Woman and Superman and Batman and whoever else fights for the whole of us. It's been a hard week. Yesterday was so devastating that I went immediately past anger and straight into sadness. Last Friday, same. Everyday in this administration is a direct assault to our integrity as loving and generative human begins. We know the moral imperative. We believe in love. We know we are stronger together. We strive to build communities and opportunities for all people.
There is nothing more true than this - if you are suffering, I too am unwell. It is my mission, it is our mission, to care.
Today's Easy Activism is honoring the heroic among us. Even though your photo is not in the montage below, you are a hero to me.
The Heroes in the Portland white supremacist terrorist activist.
Ricky Best, Micah Fletcher, Taliesin Myrddin Namkai Meche.
Asha Deliverance, Taliesin's Mom.
Rachel Macy, who stayed with Taliesin until the medics arrived. Rachel said the last thing he said to her was, "tell everybody on this train I love them." Tell everybody on this train I love them. Wow.
You knew I wouldn't talk about heroes without mentioning Hillary. The mere fact that Hillary, the most wrongly vilified character in our modern history, is still showing up, still standing up, still fighting for all Americans is nothing but admirable to me. I can barely stand having a friend mad at me let alone having millions of people speak horribly about me. Hillary's ability to stand up in the face of adversity is a guiding force for how to live more courageously and in alignment to what's worth fighting for. If you haven't yet listened to or read her Wellesley address, it's well worth 20 minutes of your day. You can read it here.
And then came yesterday, the day when the villain told the world to go fuck itself. His arrogance just birthed millions of new heroes. As Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau said the United States federal government will not stop the Paris Agreement. Note he did not say the United States, he pinpointed trump and his klan of villainous characters, GOP included. He knows we are the heroes. The list could be endless. Here are just a few who are actively fighting for all of us.
THE GOVERNORS OF WASHINGTON STATE, CALIFORNIA & NEW YORK who formed a climate alliance with other Governors and Mayors and may even meet with Canada and Mexico in a climate summit.
Governor Jay Inslee, Wa State
Governor Jerry Brown, California
Governor Andrew Cuomo, New York State
THE BUSINESS PEOPLE - there are so many of them and I'll just reference two - Michael Bloomberg and Elon Musk. Bloomberg is forming the climate council that will work with the United Nations on the Paris Agreement. Elon Musk quit the fake President's counsel as he is leading innovation on green businesses. I want one of his solar roof.
And then there is Kathy Griffin. I agree a decapitated trump was tasteless humor and yet now she is under siege by trump, his family and some crazed blood hungry supporters. Her heroism is two fold - 1) She apologized. She realized it was too far and she said so. 2) This quote - "I'm not afraid of Donald Trump. He's a bully. I've dealt with older white guys trying to keep me down my whole life, my whole career. "
And while our strength comes from the heroes, it's important we remain very clear on who the villains are. There are so many and yet this list of 22 GOP Senators who are in the pockets of oil and gas, encouraged that fool of a little man to join Syria and Nicaragua in ensuring our children and grandchildren don't have a future. Remember their names. Pay attention to who's up for reelection (Ted Cruz) and make sure you donate to their opponent (Beto O'Rourke -
These are not public servants or patriots and they do now deserve their jobs. Know their names. Never forgot.
Have a great weekend. March for Truth tomorrow. March with Muslims on June 10th. March for Equality on June 11th.
Love and gratitude -
:: genessa